Puppet Master Movie Review

Full Moon didn't always churn out movies where the low budget was quite so obvious. Back in the day, (blog) they sought to stretch (blog post) their ...Source: Puppet Master Movie Review - Decker Shado More Videos

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Battle Creek Brawl Movie Review

Okay, this time for reals this is the first Jackie Chan movie made in America. For true! He even speaks english! And I feel very confused... (blog post) but not as confused as America, as this crazy guy (blog post) showed up and backflipped his way through the action scenes. It seems like he was the only one who knew he'd be doing that.Source: Ba

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Live & Wired Ep 113: One of those weeks

Ahh, the merging of movies and video games. Two of my passions, science fiction movies and they always manage to do some things that leave us (blog post) ...Source: Live & Wired Ep 113: One of those weeks - Decker Shado More Videos sci-fi movie reviews

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